Maximize Your Impact

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To be effective and relevant in Washington, DC you need to be present—physically present—you need to be clear with your communications, and you need to bring value to each relationship. The Industry Affairs Council will partner with you to build profitable relationships with your industry associations, this is how:


We amplify your messaging. Your association has many channels to market: Social media, eNewsletters, listserv, website, membership director, press releases, and more. We work with you to a) create the most compelling messaging for the channel, and b) help you identify the most effective way to project your message. We leverage your industry association to amplify your message.


We promote your thought leadership. You, and your executive team, are subject matter experts—your knowledge about your industry is encyclopedic. We work to insert you into the right speaking engagements that build thought leadership, strengthen your brand, and create top-of-mind awareness. We broaden your thought leadership through targeted speaking and panel opportunities.


We expand your network. Let’s not be coy: Your industry association can, and should, be a vital business development tool. Your association has a vast network of corporate members, suppliers, and professionals. We work to facilitate connections from your association’s network to you—we’ll identify the events, initiatives, and the sponsorships to create maximum exposure and industry access. We expand networks.


We are here! We meet your association’s staff at their office, we meet the entire team that works for you. By being here, we build the relationships that create opportunities for you. By being here, we understand the limitations and needs of your association, which allows us to provide support and resources—and this, in turn, creates goodwill and new opportunities for you. Being here is important.


We advocate on your behalf. Your industry association has many members, each member has its own priorities—no member gets precisely everything they want. However, you get more of your priorities adopted when you actively engage association staff, by being vigilant about proposed initiatives, by providing leadership, and committing resources. We advocate on your behalf.


We leverage committees. Industry associations are the sum of its committees. One effective member in one influential committee can create tectonic shifts at an association. We will help you identify the promising committees that provide the most influence. We will train you on how to be a compelling committee member—we can even serve on a committee for you! We leverage committees.

It’s time to learn more.

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